
五大联赛买球官方网站(简称:心理学院)目前是中国大陆唯一进入ESI 世界排名前1%的心理学科,是中国心理学的主要发源地。




1. 对文化与认知、消费心理学、茶道有研究或浓厚的学习兴趣。

2. 具有较强的科研能力、进取精神和创新能力,能够尽职尽责地完成科研工作。

3. 被五大联赛买球官方网站录取的留学生。

4. 申请人须为美国、英国或加拿大国籍。



1. 奖学金包括五大联赛买球官方网站在读3-5年期间每年全额学费、住宿费补助、生活费。

2. 所有科研条件对留学生开放,支持申请各类科研项目;

3. 提供参加国内外高水平学术会议或国际著名大学学习交流的机会。



联系方式:赵老师,86-10-62753559 hrclub@pku.edu.cn http:

Peking University - TAETEA Consumer Research Center

Peking University is the leading university in China and world-wide famous university. School of Psychology and Cognitive Science of Peking University is the main birthplace of Chinese psychology and is listed ESI world's top 1% of psychology.

Peking University - TAETEA Consumer Research Center is founded by The School of Psychology and Cognitive Science at Peking University and China's largest Pu'er tea manufacturer TAETEA Group. TAETEA Group is a modernized company producing and sale pu’er tea (mainly Red Tea) in China and overseas. TAETEA follows the principle of "win-win cooperation" and "create and share value", adheres to the spirit of "making tea for one's heart", and makes great contribution to global consumption. TAETEA not only provides high-quality tea products and tea services, but also helps promote the Chinese tea culture and health tradition to the world.

Peking University - TAETEA Consumer Research Center is committed to engage in scientific research of consumer behavior, economic psychology, health psychology and philosophy and other related fields. The current research areas include tea and psychology, cognition and emotion, culture transmission, drinking and health, happiness and well-being, interpersonal relationship and moral development, etc. To further promote the knowledge and culture of traditional Chinese drinking and health and related cognition and emotion, Peking University - TAETEA Consumer Research Center will offer scholarship to Master and Ph.D. graduate students from foreign countries.

Application requirements:

1. Be interested in culture and cognition, consumer psychology, philosophy, health science, and drink-related research.

2. Have strong research capacity, entrepreneurial spirit and innovative ability, able to complete due diligence research work.

3. Pass Peking University entrance exam and be admitted by School of Psychological and Cognitive Sciences.

4. Applicants must be of US, UK or Canadian nationality.

5. Deadline of scholarship application for Fall of 2017: April 30, 2017

Financial support and facilities:

1. Scholarship covers the three- or five-year tuition fees, stipends for lodging and board and other reasonable living expenses.

2. All research facilities are accessible.

3. Opportunities for domestic and international academic conferences.

4. Awards for published academic work or other academic achievements.

5. Possible work positions for TAETEA agencies in North America.

Contact information:

Mrs. Zhao, 86-10-62753559 hrclub@pku.edu.cn http:
