Marie-Claire Villeval教授 (欧洲科学院院士,法国经济学会前主席和法国实验经济学会创会主席,Management Science, Experimental Economics等杂志主编、副主编)

时间: 2017-10-08 14:30 - 16:00

地点: 五大联赛买球官方网站王克桢楼1113房间

摘要:We theoretically show that loss-averse agents are more likely to lie to avoid receiving a low payoff after a random draw, the lower the ex-ante probability of this bad outcome. The ex-ante expected payoff increases as the bad outcome becomes less likely, and hence the greater is the loss avoided by lying. We demonstrate robust support for this theory by reanalyzing the results from the extant literature and with two new experiments that vary the outcome probabilities and are run double-anonymous to remove reputation effects. To measure lying, we develop an empirical method that estimates the full distribution of dishonesty.

邀请人:五大联赛买球官方网站周晓林教授 (

演讲人简历:Marie-Claire Villeval教授是欧洲科学院院士(Academia Europaea),法国经济学会前主席和法国实验经济学会创会主席。Marie-Claire Villeval教授的研究领域包括实验经济学,行为经济学, 神经元经济学和人事经济学,她的论文发表在Nature, Science, American Economic Review,Management Science, Economic Journal, Journal of Public Economics, Journal of Labour Economics, Games and Economic Behavior, European Economic Review,Experimental Economics, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 等学术界顶级期刊。Marie-Claire Villeval教授目前在Management Science,Experimental Economics等多个国际顶级学术期刊担任主编和副主编。因她对激励理论、竞争、惩罚和欺骗等方面的分析所作出的杰出学术贡献在法国被授予骑士勋章。

