青少年时期是抑郁高发的阶段,消极解释偏向可能是其重要的认知基础。青少年对不同情境的消极解释偏向有哪些模式?哪种模式的青少年抑郁症状的水平更高?五大联赛买球官方网站苏彦捷课题组的研究“Profiles of context-based negative interpretive bias and the association with depressive symptoms in adolescence: Exploring the role of interpersonal emotion regulation”发表于Personality and Individual Differences杂志(JCR-Q1;中科院二区TOP)。文章基于Social Baseline Theory与cognitive model of depression,探索了青少年在与父母、教师与同伴的社会互动情境中展现出了四种情境性消极解释偏向模式:“无情境偏向组”,“父母情境偏向组”,“教师同伴情境偏向组”以及“所有情境偏向组”。相比于“所有情境无偏见”组,其余各组青少年的抑郁症状水平显著更高,这表明抑郁症状对情境性消极解释偏向较为敏感,当青少年对某一情境的社会信息具有较高水平的消极解释偏向时,就会引发其较高水平的抑郁症状。

Fig. 1. Visual representation of the profiles based on the standardized scores on the context-based negative interpretive bias towards teacher, peer, parent-contexts.


Fig. 2. The moderating effects of interpersonal emotion regulation.
Note: Negative-IER = Interpersonal negative emotion regulation; Positive-IER = Interpersonal positive emotion regulation. Profile 1 = “all contexts unbiased” group, profile 2 = “parent-context biased” group, profile 3 = “teacher- and peer-contexts biased” group, and profile 4 = “all contexts biased” group.


Wang, Y., & Su, Y. (2024). Profiles of context-based negative interpretive bias and the association with depressive symptoms in adolescence: Exploring the role of interpersonal emotion regulation. Personality and Individual Differences, 231, 112841. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.paid.2024.112841
